I believe that God has brought us together for a purpose. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your goals. It is our desire that you have a positive and uplifting experience every time you come to class. If there is anything that we can do better in this regard, please let us know. Your feedback and comments are very important to us.
As you probably know by now, Chi-Tu Do is a martial art taught from a Christian perspective and with a Christian philosophy. So in practicing this martial art properly, it must be understood that the art is tempered by our faith in Christ. We are not teaching this art so you can be the ultimate fighting machine. The practice and use of the martial arts should always be filtered, first, through Jesus’ commands to love God with all that we are and all that we have, and to love people (and lay down one’s life for his/her friends). Second, it should also be filtered through Christian principle of the “Golden Rule,” that you would not do to someone else (even an attacker) what you would not want to have done unto you. God is just, but He is also merciful. We teach this art so that you can learn how to appropriate its principles so that you can become a better person, a better citizen and a better Christian; one that would be a benefit to your family, friends, and to the community.
Before making the commitment to a martial arts education, we feel it is important that you understand the responsibilities involved, both ours as well as yours. You will find it helpful to familiarize yourself with the information in this manual. We believe that if you thoroughly understand the requirements, you will be able to more effectively work towards accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself as well as meeting the required standards. At Shepherd-Warrior Martial Arts, we believe that communication is the key. If we work hard to maintain good communication, then we will have a great, long lasting relationship. If at any time during your training you have questions or comments, we encourage you to express them to us without hesitation. We are open to your feedback and need to know how to best serve your needs.