
The following standards are hereby adopted by Shepherd-Warrior Martial Arts as the Uniform Code for all Chi-Tu Do students. Since the word uniform means – consistent, standardized, identical in appearance, it would make sense that students wearing their training uniform should look…well, uniform. The jacket and pants should be kept neat, clean and wrinkle free when worn in class. The following are examples of the uniform we use and the placement of the patches that you can earn by completing your character sheets or by memorizing things.

The Training Uniform consists of 3 parts

  1. The Jacket
  2. The Belt
  3. The Pants


  • You may get your name embroidered on your uniform if you wish.
  • Though not shown, the pants match the color of the jacket.
  • The jacket sleeves may be cut and hemmed to ½ or ¾ sleeves or kept at full length at your preference.
  • Note the uniformity of the placement of the patches. Yours should be applied in similar fashion. Later sections of this Handbook will tell you how you can earn each of these patches.
  • Challenge Stars are placed on the right leg, below the knee.
Chi-Tu Do uniform patch placement
Uniform patch placement


How to tie your own belt

How to tie the belt on your child